Root to Rise Yoga Hot Yoga Denver Wellness

Honoring Lindsay’s Brother… A Buddhist Ceremony 🤍

Hello lovely yoga community,

The following is a message from Lindsay DeWalt, one of our beloved teachers and dear friend.

Please read it carefully and join us if this speaks to your heart.


As some of you may know, my little brother recently died – and it’s been a hard time for me and my family – partly because his death was unexpected & tragic. Despite the enormous grief of something so final like the death of a close family member, I’ve been finding refuge in my Buddhist and Yoga practices and the beautiful community that surrounds me in both of these beloved places.

So, I’d like to invite you all to come to a beautiful Buddhist prayer ceremony that we do at my (other hOMe) – Kadampa Buddhist Center – CO – this Tuesday (1/24) at 5:15 pm. The location is near Sloans Lake: 4840 West 29th Avenue, Denver, CO 80212.

The practice we do is called POWA, and it’s prayers for the recently deceased. Powa Ceremony is a beautiful and powerful ritual practice drawn from the Buddhist Tantras. It enables us to benefit the deceased by coming together as a group and making prayers and offerings on their behalf. Then, through the power of our compassionate intention, strong prayers, and concentration on the practice, we transfer the consciousness of the deceased to the Pure Land of the Buddha of Compassion so that they will experience pure and lasting peace and finally be freed from the painful cycle of suffering and its causes. It’s a beautiful, very auspicious practice and everyone is welcome to attend.

Also, if you have a loved one who has recently deceased (less than 49 days) and would like them to be included in this meaningful practice, we can add them to our prayer list for this ceremony, just let me know. It is optional, but if you’d like to, you may bring an offering such as flowers, food, candles, incense – anything beautiful that moves your heart. Please let me know if you have any questions, and feel free to let me know if you think you can attend, or just show up – all are welcome!

Love, Lindsay.


We will also be honoring Haley’s grandpa who recently passed.

Sharing love with our family feels like connecting with each other in a deeper and more meaningful way.

Andi & the entire ROOT TO RISE team

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