Honoring Lindsay’s Brother…A Buddhist Ceremony 🤍

Honoring Lindsay’s Brother… A Buddhist Ceremony 🤍 Hello lovely yoga community, The following is a message from Lindsay DeWalt, one of our beloved teachers and dear friend. Please read it carefully and join us if this speaks to your heart. As some of you may know, my little brother recently died – and it’s been […]

January 2023 Discounted Annual Unlimited Membership Offer

“Gratitude is the closest thing to beauty manifested in an emotion.”Mindy Kaling Our THANK YOU: January 2023 Discounted Annual Unlimited Membership Offer Dear Community, As we step into a new year and soak in the energy of hope, renewal and openness, we want to celebrate. 2023 is our first calendar year as a remarkable milestone of the […]

Community News – November 2022

“Nothing is lost. Everything is transformed.” Lavoisier Community News Wandering the streets of Portugal few weeks ago, I caught myself thinking about CHANGE. The quote above was written on a wall for a construction site. It felt like an answer to my thoughts! A great reminder that what we perceive as “loss” can also mean “transformation.” […]

Updates and Exciting Additions to our Schedule

Updates and Exciting Additions to Our Schedule Beautiful cOMmunity, I am writing to you from Lisbon, Portugal, where I’ll spend the next two weeks. Deeply grateful for a chance to meet my parents and enjoy quality time with them. My dad and I have shared this life as father and daughter but also as best […]

Join our October Hot Yoga Challenge!

Join our Hot Yoga Challenge this month, we call it HotOber Challenge! 30 Classes in 31 Days at hOMe! Our amazing instructors are looking forward to seeing you here!

An update on Marina’s wellbeing

Dear cOMmunity, As you might have heard, our beloved friend, teacher, coach, and best cheerleader Marina is in need of some rest. She fell on Monday and is now recovering from a sore tailbone and concussion.  Marina is home, doing well, and safe under her family’s care and love. Marina wants you to know she misses us […]

Happy Birthday Andi!

Our visionary leader, thanks for creating this great community and enabling our hOMe!  Happy Birthday! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wHanZStJgeI&t=67s

News worth sharing!

I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better. Maya Angelou I will start this message by letting you know that what I am about to share is certainly within the top 5 most exciting news I have had the pleasure to communicate in my almost 50 […]