Updates and Exciting Additions to Our Schedule
Beautiful cOMmunity,
I am writing to you from Lisbon, Portugal, where I’ll spend the next two weeks. Deeply grateful for a chance to meet my parents and enjoy quality time with them. My dad and I have shared this life as father and daughter but also as best friends.
I am very fortune to always have counted on my dad’s compassionate and brave heart.
Please know I already miss our hOMe and my friends. What a beautiful place we have collectively created!
When you enter the doors at Root to Rise Yoga, we truly believe it isn’t an accident you are there. We believe it wouldn’t be the same without you in the room. You are seen and loved.
Here are a few updates for you starting with our beloved Marina to exciting additions to the schedule:
1. Marina will be taking two more weeks to focus on recovery. A few days ago she talked about having pain in her tailbone but feeling stronger. Because of the love and support you shared with Marina, the healing process she is going through is so much better.
If you just joined our community, Marina is another one of our beloved teachers, and of course, an important part of our team and community. She is recovering from a fractured tailbone and concussion after an accident. We hope you’ll meet her soon.
To our long term yogis, thank you for your commitment to your practice!
To watch you rolling your mats down and being open to experience different teachers, voices and styles carries a message of TRUST and we are paying attention.
THANK YOU! We do not take it for granted. Our Root to Rise Team will tirelessly continue to do our best to honor your trust.
Enjoy! Let’s all make the best of our circumstances and show up, show up, show up. You’ll be grateful you did!
It’s no news our studio has state of the art heating/humidity system, but have you made sure to explore different voices and styles?
To our Hot Yoga Team of teachers, Liz Arnold, Megan Cohen, Lindsay DeWalt, Kate Gulick, Charlene Lane, Neil O’Toole, Katie Wedum and Anne Zilvitis, I am grateful for the way you have stepped up making sure our yogis will always have a place where to be.
Make sure to also catch a few new teachers added to our Hot Yoga Team. Elisabeth Baker will be joining in as much as her schedule allows. Jamie Lynn will soon be guiding your practice, and Mehmet Kazgan is currently working on his training.
2. We are working on our Fall/Winter Schedule. I would love if you get into the habit of checking your WALLA app and/or our www.roottorise.yoga website.
You can count on some additions to our weekly schedule and some adjustments. If you don’t have our app or don’t feel comfortable navigating our website, please talk to us!
We are proud of the simplicity/functionality of our systems and will be more than happy to teach you what to do.
While you are always welcome to walk in, we just don’t want for you to miss out on new possibilities and offering in our schedule.
WEDNESDAY at 7:30 PM: Lindsay is guiding a meditative Hot Yoga class. Curated to be a relaxing practice, you can count on minimum talk, candlelight, and calming music. Lindsay will be practicing along with you and our intention is to offer our intermediate and advanced practitioners a delightful experience.
MONDAYS, TUESDAYS AND WEDNESDAYS at 4:30 PM: Stacey, Inger and Rachel will tackle a 45’ Flow & Sculpt class! Make sure to add these to your routine! We’ll do all kinds of strengthening exercises with weights and other props. It is a fast and fun full-body 45 minute workout!
As soon as we go into the colder days of the year, classes will be warmed up to 85 to 90 F. That way we’ll be caring for our muscles and will tap into the detox aspect of sweat.
All levels! You do you and we’ll get stronger together!
SATURDAYS at 4:30 PM: Neil is guiding us through a TaiChi practice. It’s a beautiful, relaxing yet strong, meditative class for you to explore.
The addition of this practice to our schedule made it that Neil’s Hot Yoga class is now at 6:00 PM.
Everyone is invited. All levels, no experience necessary.
SUNDAYS at 5:30 PM: ROLL & RESTORE WORKSHOP for a 75’ myofascial release. Soon to be added to our schedule, this practice will be so beneficial to us all. Jen MacNiven has joined our team and has stepped up to sub for Natasha while in Croatia visiting family.
Our yogis are loving Mondays at 6:45 PM with Jen as much as they love “Stretch on Recovery Days” with Natasha.
If curious, join us for the next two weeks on Monday at 6:45 PM so you know what to expect from the coming soon workshop.
Not only that all levels are welcome, but if you know non-yogis that hike, bike, run, ski/snowboard, golf, climb, please share the invitation.
Much more to come! Seriously.
YOU are inspiring to me and the process of our rebranding has been invigorating to my soul. It’s definitely a work in progress and I’m enjoying the journey along with you all.
Bigger and smaller projects, we are paying attention and have a lot to share!
Stay tuned! Will you?
Visit our website, follow us in social media, check our community board, be involved.