Dear cOMmunity,
As you might have heard, our beloved friend, teacher, coach, and best cheerleader Marina is in need of some rest. She fell on Monday and is now recovering from a sore tailbone and concussion.
Marina is home, doing well, and safe under her family’s care and love. Marina wants you to know she misses us already and, of course, is looking forward to coming back hOMe.
In the meantime, though, we will make sure to give Marina the same love she is always so willing to share with us all!
For now, the best we can do is to support the fact that our warrior needs a break. The Root to Rise community will make sure Marina knows we are holding her in our hearts by sending a weekly loving reminder of that.
Here are some ways we can make a difference as Marina recovers:
1. We are sending her a Whole Foods gift card this coming Friday. If you feel called to participate with any amount, please Venmo Katie @Katie-Kroeger.
2. When you come hOMe to practice, make sure to write Marina a message on the board we have prepared for her. Please know we are avoiding texting her as time away from screens will really help with recovery and rest.
3. Keep showing up! Marina wants to know everyone is practicing! Let’s make sure we are strong to welcome her back soon. Please check our schedule before walking in. We are doing our very best to cover all classes but adjustments will be necessary.
4. Please be open and give our team a chance to serve you until Marina is back to her mat.
5. We will also send flowers under our Root to Rise cOMmunity name as we keep uplifting Marina’s spirits while recovering.Much love, Andi and the entire team of RTR.
Much love to you all,
Andi and the entire Root to Rise Team.