Root to Rise Yoga Hot Yoga Denver Wellness

News worth sharing!

I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better.

Maya Angelou

I will start this message by letting you know that what I am about to share is certainly within the top 5 most exciting news I have had the pleasure to communicate in my almost 50 years of life.
As a team, we are thrilled to announce we are branching away from Yoga Pod and becoming our own, independent, unique, beautiful yoga studio. YOU are at the center of the story we have written so far, and I am seriously proud of the community we have become. So, this is for you. Take it in. Nothing would have been the same if it wasn’t for you!
ROOT TO RISE is the new name we will be operating under.
The sound of it, and the many significances behind it speak straight to my heart. Root to Rise holds our story. It talks about the strong foundation we have built, and it’s a reminder we have risen every time life has asked more of us as a
community. More resilience, more strength, more compassion, more presence, more friendship, more love… and we ROOT to RISE.
It is time to claim our own identity and make a difference in this world one breath at a time. If you have heard a bit about my background, you know my yoga practice is new. When opening the doors of our hOMe, I went in with a curious heart and mind but knew nothing about yoga. And, as life would have it, nothing was what I expected, nothing was what I was told, nothing was what the “experts” said it would be.
Four years (2 of which included an unprecedented pandemic) have gone by. The learning has been massive, and I won’t ever stop paying attention. I understand now no one could have possibly taught me what I needed to learn.
I needed the journey, every step of the way exactly how it happened. Through the brutal and the beautiful, my love and respect for yoga have only grown.
This is exhilarating and we are just starting!
More information to be shared soon. For now, know a lot of work has been put into this transformation and all we do is with you in heart and mind. No need to feel unease around this process or change. We are ready to take you by the hand every step of the way.
I can hardly wait for you to see the website we are working on. User friendly, beautiful, simple, and easy, and the fact it will be under our control is such a blessing. You’ll love our new app. It’s also user-friendly, fun, and helpful. We are excited to invite you to join the extra classes we are adding to our schedule.
And so, perhaps we collectively take advantage of this opportunity to reset and take a breath.
How about going back to a beginner’s mindset and seeing it all for the first time? Maybe you try different classes in addition to your favorites, maybe you give different teachers a chance to guide you, perhaps you bring a good friend in.
I have so much more to learn in this lifetime, but one thing I know for sure! This world we are living in needs yoga more than ever. The practice of presence. That time of connection amongst body, mind, and soul. The connection to each other when we breathe as one.
This is more important than I could ever put into words. So, I’m back to work and will let our physical space, our offerings, our talented teachers, and our hearts speak to you. Will you listen? We have so much to say and offer to you!
Further communication going out from
Also, please get familiar with the name “Walla”. You will hear and learn more about it soon.
Finally, a heartfelt shoutout to our teachers and staff. This has been a chance for us to pause, think again and make decisions collectively. I am grateful and in awe of how strong we are together.
To Mehmet, our member and friend, I don’t know what I would do without your guidance and help. From my bottomless heart, thank you!
To Katie Kroeger, our teacher and friend, I am honored to work side by side with you. I love you and feel blessed to have your heart at the center of our community.
To Haley and Elan, I see you and I value you. Thank you very so much for the way you show up! Thank you for keeping me in check and for your priceless help, enthusiasm, and big smiles that brighten my day every time. You rock!
cOMmunity, WE LOVE YOU.
Two older yoga practitioners looking at each other sitting on their mats in a yoga studio.

The Fountain of Youth: Impact of Hot Yoga on Longevity

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Denver Yoga Gift Guide

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Get Glowing this November with Hot Yoga in Denver – Your Skin Will Thank You!

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A woman sitting on a bench next to a plant with her yoga mat

Hot Yoga: Myths, Benefits, and Insights from the Experts

Read about our webinar on Hot Yoga, bringing light to common myths, discussing the benefits, and providing insights directly from ...

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Black and white image of a woman in downward facing dog.

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